In the end we will conserve only what we love. We love what we understand. We will understand only what we are taught.” - Baba Dioum (Senegalese environmentalist)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Valley Prairie Project Part 2

In the fall of 2010 we were notified that the prairie project would be razed for the expansion of parking that was required by the city due to the remodeling of our school.  This blog took a hiatus as we fought to have the site saved, were shot down, convinced the school board to replant, planned the new site, seeded it in the summer of 2011, and have now been able to witness the reconstruction efforts of the new planting.

The new site runs along Ashworth just south of the track and between the track and baseball field.  This site was selected as no other school groups utilize that land, part of it is on a slope, and it encompasses a retention basin for water draining off the track.  Funding for the seeds came from the NEA’s Green Across America Grant, the Kimm Grant, Mid-American Energy, and Iowa Network Services.